Sultan Murad IV – Reign and Legacy

Repairing and Enriching Sacred Sites

The Tombs of Imam-i Azam and Sheikh Abdulkadir Geylani, revered figures in Islam, underwent extensive repairs supervised by Sheikhulislam. They were adorned with opulent gold and silver lamps along with jewelry, enhancing their grandeur and significance. Additionally, Mustafa Pasha, the trusted guard of Sultan Murad IV, displayed profound devotion by sending a diamond to adorn the Prophet’s Tomb in Medina (Ravza-i Mutaharra).

International Diplomacy and Remarkable Gifts

Sultan Murad IV’s reign saw prosperity that extended its influence to the farthest reaches of the east. An envoy from India arrived in Musul bearing lavish gifts while the Sultan was en route from Baghdad to Istanbul. Among these gifts was an exquisitely decorated belt valued at fifty thousand piasters and a unique helmet crafted from elephant’s ear and rhinoceros hide, reputed to be impervious to bullets and swords. In a display of his prowe

Repairing and Enriching Sacred Sites

The Tombs of Imam-i Azam and Sheikh Abdulkadir Geylani, revered figures in Islam, underwent extensive repairs supervised by Sheikhulislam. They were adorned with opulent gold and silver lamps along with jewelry, enhancing their grandeur and significance. Additionally, Mustafa Pasha, the trusted guard of Sultan Murad IV, displayed profound devotion by sending a diamond to adorn the Prophet’s Tomb in Medina (Ravza-i Mutaharra).

International Diplomacy and Remarkable Gifts

Sultan Murad IV’s reign saw prosperity that extended its influence to the farthest reaches of the east. An envoy from India arrived in Musul bearing lavish gifts while the Sultan was en route from Baghdad to Istanbul. Among these gifts was an exquisitely decorated belt valued at fifty thousand piasters and a unique helmet crafted from elephant’s ear and rhinoceros hide, reputed to be impervious to bullets and swords. In a display of his prowess, Sultan Murad IV pierced the helmet effortlessly with his spear, filling it with gold florins before returning it to the Indian Sovereign’s palace.

Restoring Order and Stability

Sultan Murad IV’s rule was marked by his unwavering authority, which he wielded to maintain order within the empire, rescuing it from the brink of collapse. However, the toll of such authoritarianism took a toll on him, leaving him exhausted. Upon his brother Sultan Ibrahim’s ascension to the throne, order had already been established, aided by a treasury brimming with resources.

The Reformative Era Under Sultan Ibrahim

During Sultan Ibrahim’s reign, characterized by historians as a period of folly, Kara Mustafa Pasha, a seasoned vizier, served as Grand Vizier. Under his leadership Istanbul Walking Tour, the treasury remained stable, intoxication was abolished, and administrative reforms were implemented, including city registrations and the first census. He ensured timely payments for Janissaries and Spahis, with salaries fixed at eighty aspers of pure silver. Moreover, he introduced the practice of allocating clothing aid annually from the treasury. Despite his remarkable achievements, Kara Mustafa Pasha met an untimely end through execution in 1053.

Legacy and Conclusion

Sultan Murad IV’s reign left an indelible mark on Ottoman history, marked by prosperity, diplomatic prowess, and authoritative governance. His legacy endured through the reforms initiated under Sultan Ibrahim, underscoring the significance of stable governance and administrative efficiency in sustaining an empire.

Author: kolpae

My name is Lilyana and I am a pretty student at The National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts. I look after my beauty especially because there are people who are jealous about me.

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