Oakhurst recognized Tom Simson, otherwise known

A horseman slowly ascended the trail. In the fresh, open face of the newcomer Mr. Oakhurst recognized Tom Simson, otherwise known as ‘”The. Innocent,” of Sandy Bar. He had met him some months before over a “little game,” and had, with perfect equanimity, won the entire fortune amounting to some forty dollars of that guileless youth. After the game was finished, Mr. Oakhurst drew the youthful speculator behind the door and thus addressed him: “Tommy, you’re a good little man, but you can’t gamble worth a cent. Don’t try it ever again.” He then handed him his money back, pushed him gently from the room, and so made a devoted slave of Tom Simson.

There was a remembrance of this in his bosh and enthusiastic greeting of Mr. Oakhurst. He had started, he said, to go to Poker Flat to seek his fortune. “Alone?” No, not exactly alone; in fact (a giggle), he had run away with Piney Woods. Didn’t Mr. Oakhurst remember Piney? She that used to wait on the table at

A horseman slowly ascended the trail. In the fresh, open face of the newcomer Mr. Oakhurst recognized Tom Simson, otherwise known as ‘”The. Innocent,” of Sandy Bar. He had met him some months before over a “little game,” and had, with perfect equanimity, won the entire fortune amounting to some forty dollars of that guileless youth. After the game was finished, Mr. Oakhurst drew the youthful speculator behind the door and thus addressed him: “Tommy, you’re a good little man, but you can’t gamble worth a cent. Don’t try it ever again.” He then handed him his money back, pushed him gently from the room, and so made a devoted slave of Tom Simson.

There was a remembrance of this in his bosh and enthusiastic greeting of Mr. Oakhurst. He had started, he said, to go to Poker Flat to seek his fortune. “Alone?” No, not exactly alone; in fact (a giggle), he had run away with Piney Woods. Didn’t Mr. Oakhurst remember Piney? She that used to wait on the table at the Temperance House?

They had been engaged a long time, but old Jake Woods had objected, and so they had run away, and were going to Poker Flat to be married, and here they were. And they were tired out, and how lucky it was they had found a place to camp, and company. All this the Innocent delivered rapidly, while Piney, a stout, comely damsel of fifteen, emerged from behind the pine tree, where she had been blushing unseen, and rode to the side of her lover.

Mind sufficient

Mr. Oakhurst seldom troubled himself with sentiment, still less with propriety; but he had a vague idea that the situation was not fortunate. He retained, however, his presence of mind sufficiently to kick Uncle Billy, who was about to say something, and Uncle Billy was sober enough to recognize in Mr. Oakhurst’s kick a superior power that would not bear trifling. He then endeavored to dissuade Tom Simson from delaying further, but in vain.

He even pointed out the fact that there was no provision, nor means of making a camp. But, unluckily the Innocent met this objection by assuring the party that he was provided with an extra mule loaded with provisions, and by the discovery of a rude attempt at a log house near the trail. “Piney can stay with Mrs. Oakhurst,” said the Innocent, pointing to the Duchess, “and I can shift for myself.”

Nothing but Mr. Oakhurst’s admonishing foot saved Uncle Billy from bursting into a roar of laughter. As it was, he felt compelled to retire up the canon until he could recover his gravity. There he confided the joke to the tall pine trees, with many slaps of his leg, contortions of his face, and the usual profanity. But when he returned to the party, he found them seated by a fire for the air had grown strangely chill and the sky overcast in apparently amicable conversation.

Piney was actually talking in an impulsive girlish fashion to the Duchess, who was listening with an interest and animation she had not shown for many days. The Innocent was holding forth, apparently with equal effect, to Mr. Oakhurst and Mother Shipton, who was actually relaxing into amiability. “Is this year a picnic?” said Uncle Billy, with inward scorn, as he surveyed the sylvan group, the glancing firelight, and the tethered animals in the foreground. Suddenly an idea mingled with the alcoholic fumes that disturbed his brain. It was apparently of a jocular nature, for he felt impelled to slap his leg again and cram his fist into his mouth.

S: https://bulgaria.tourhints.info/the-outcasts-of-poker-flat-part-4/

Different From Russian Brides


Belarus girls are some of the most interesting and lovely women on the planet — that’s just a fact that has been proven by thousands of Western men who found love with a Belarusian bombshell.

Even at the stage when you don’t know her at all, you will feel comfortable and warm. Catching a glimpse and a smile from a girl passing you by in Minsk is exciting, but, most importantly, it is not at all rare.

Girls in Belarus don’t like playing hard to get. If they are interested in you as their potential partner, they will let you know — if not with words, then with body language and behavior. All you need to do is decipher those signals and you are in for the happiest relationship of your life.


Like most Eastern European women, Belarus ladies are pros when it comes to cooking and other household duties. They grow up in families where cooking is more than just a means to survive. It’s a way for the wife or mother to tak


Belarus girls are some of the most interesting and lovely women on the planet — that’s just a fact that has been proven by thousands of Western men who found love with a Belarusian bombshell.

Even at the stage when you don’t know her at all, you will feel comfortable and warm. Catching a glimpse and a smile from a girl passing you by in Minsk is exciting, but, most importantly, it is not at all rare.

Girls in Belarus don’t like playing hard to get. If they are interested in you as their potential partner, they will let you know — if not with words, then with body language and behavior. All you need to do is decipher those signals and you are in for the happiest relationship of your life.


Like most Eastern European women, Belarus ladies are pros when it comes to cooking and other household duties. They grow up in families where cooking is more than just a means to survive. It’s a way for the wife or mother to take care of her family. Plus, eating together as a family is a fantastic bonding activity.

Belarusian girls transfer the same mentality to their adult lives and their own families. They will be fine with eating out or ordering take away once in a while, but on most days, your wife will be more than happy to cook the famous draniki, borscht, and other Belarusian treats.

In addition to working full time and cooking like professional chefs, these women will also always make sure your house is absolutely spotless and your clothes are clean and freshly ironed. How do they manage to do it all? That’s one of the secrets you’ll get to unlock when you marry a woman from Belarus!


When the girl is wild and carefree, a relationship with her may be fun until you are ready for something more serious. Then these carefree girls, who are not prepared to change, may even break your heart.

Belarus women can be fun and entertaining, but all of them have something even more important: class. As we all know, class cannot be faked — it can only be inherited from the family and taught from early childhood.

For girls in Belarus, class is an essential aspect of their behavior in any situation. Whether she is having fun with her friends, sits with you on a date, meets your parents for the first time, or visits a corporate dinner at your company, you can rest assured she will radiate class and make you proud.


Any man with even the slightest dating experience will agree that without a share of intelligence, good looks mean nothing. You are looking for a partner for life, not just someone to look at. Fortunately, Belarusian women are among the most intelligent population of the planet.

Since most ladies in Belarus have at least one university degree, they are as smart as they are gorgeous. Plus, for many Belarus girls, reading is the biggest passion, which is why they are extremely well-read and will often surprise you with their knowledge.

Many men consider Russia and Belarus to be pretty similar, so much so that even their names sound alike. And while it’s true that Belarusian brides share many peculiarities with Russian beauties — for example, both are hospitable and family-oriented, there are still enough differences between them to make each nation unique.

Perhaps, the biggest difference between Belarus and Russian brides is the upbringing. The majority of girls in Russia grow up in patriarchal families and consider the man to be the head of the family with more responsibilities and rights.

Belarusian girls, who mainly grow up in families with strong mothers, consider themselves to be equal to men. They demand equal treatment, but at the same time, they contribute more to the family dynamic.

Moreover, women in Belarus are more sociable. A Russian girl will be happy with spending time just with you, while a Belarusian wife will want to go out once in a while, invite friends and family members over, and generally lead a more open and eventful lifestyle.

Where to meet Belarus women?

In theory, the most natural way to meet Belarus bride is to travel to Belarus and do your search there. However, it may not always turn out to be the smartest decision. First, Belarus is not the easiest country to get into. Second, women in Belarus are not the biggest fan of talking to men in the street. Third, even if you fall for a girl, she may turn out to be unavailable or simply uninterested in moving with you abroad.

The most surefire way to meet your dream Belarusian girl is to use one of the many international dating websites. There you will find women who are not only pretty and intelligent, but also very motivated to get married, move to your home country, and start a family.

Starting your search for a Belarus bride online is also the ideal option for men whose dating skills are a bit rusty or who need time to open up to a woman. There you can keep the conversation perfectly casual for as long as it’s necessary for you, and only when you feel confident you found your significant other, you can move on to the next stages of the relationship.


The Coming Of Gandin

Now when he had sung another lay, Gandin arose and stood before the king, holding the lute in his hand. “Sir King,” he said, “bethink thee of what thou didst promise me.”;

And Mark answered: “Of good will will I do it. Tell me what wilt thou?”
“Give me Iseult,” quoth the knight.

“Friend,” said Mark, “whatever else thou desirest thou shalt have, but this may not be.”

“Verily, Sir King,” said Gandin, “I will neither much nor little, but Iseult alone.”

The King spake: “Of a truth, that shall not be!”

“Sire, wilt thou then break thy promise? If thou be thus forsworn, henceforth shall men hold thee unworthy to be king of any land. Bid them read the right of kings, and if this be not so, then will I renounce my claim. Or, dost thou, or any other say that thou didst not swear to give me what I asked, then will I assert my right against thee, or against whomsoever the court may choose.

My body shall be ove

Now when he had sung another lay, Gandin arose and stood before the king, holding the lute in his hand. “Sir King,” he said, “bethink thee of what thou didst promise me.”;

And Mark answered: “Of good will will I do it. Tell me what wilt thou?”
“Give me Iseult,” quoth the knight.

“Friend,” said Mark, “whatever else thou desirest thou shalt have, but this may not be.”

“Verily, Sir King,” said Gandin, “I will neither much nor little, but Iseult alone.”

The King spake: “Of a truth, that shall not be!”

“Sire, wilt thou then break thy promise? If thou be thus forsworn, henceforth shall men hold thee unworthy to be king of any land. Bid them read the right of kings, and if this be not so, then will I renounce my claim. Or, dost thou, or any other say that thou didst not swear to give me what I asked, then will I assert my right against thee, or against whomsoever the court may choose.

My body shall be overcome with fight ere I renounce my claim. Choose thou a knight to ride in the ring against me, and I will prove by combat that fair Iseult is mine.” The king looked all about and on either side if he might find one who would dare to uphold his cause; but there was no man who would set his life on such a wager, nor would Mark himself fight for his queen, for Gandin was so strong and valiant that none durst take up his challenge.

Weeping and Lamenting

Now Tristan had ridden forth to the woods to hunt, and as he came homeward to the court he heard on the way the news of what had chanced. It was all true: Gandin had led the queen, weeping and lamenting bitterly from the palace to the seashore. On the shore was pitched a tent, rich and costly, wherein he led the queen that they might wait till tide and river rose and floated the bark, which now laying on the sand.

Tristan heard the tale from beginning to end, he mounted his horse and took his harp in his hand, and rode swiftly, even to the haven. There he turned aside secretly, to a grove, made his horse fast to the bough of a tree, and with his harp in his hand took his way to the tent. The knight of Ireland sat there, armed, beside the weeping queen, whom he strove hard to comfort, but little might it avail, till he saw Tristan and his harp.

He greeted Gandin, saying: “God save thee, fair minstrel!”

“Gramercy, gentle knight.”

“Sir,” he said, “I have hastened hither. Men have told me thou art come from Ireland: I too am from thence. I pray thee, of thine honor, lake me back to mine own land.”

The Irish knight made answer: “That will I do; but sit thee down, play to me, and if thou canst comfort my lady, whom thou sees weeping sorely, I will give thee the fairest garment that is in this tent.”

This a fair offer, Sir Knight,” said Tristan. “I have good hope that I may do so; and her grief be not so great that it will stay not for any man’s playing, she must needs be consoled.”

Source: https://bulgaria.doholiday.com/the-coming-of-gandin-part-2/

Bulgarian women speak little to no English

For a poor, Southern European country, Bulgarians speak surprisingly good English.  Most women I talked to were able to understand me and reply with no problems — until you meet one who doesn’t.  One interesting fact is that most girls are also studying or already speak Spanish.  During one date with a very cute girl, we were literally speaking 3 languages: English (mostly), Spanish (here and there), and Bulgarian/Russian mixture (when she didn’t know a word in either of the previous languages).

Bulgarian women don’t much eye contact

Like in most of Eastern Europe, smiling and eye contact
directed at strangers is generally a sign of weakness.  I look Southern European for the most part,
and, as a result, received almost no eye contact in Bulgaria.  Most Bulgarians easily thought I was
Bulgarian or even Greek, so relying on eye contact is a poor indicator of
interest.  I would assume being a 6’4”

For a poor, Southern European country, Bulgarians speak surprisingly good English.  Most women I talked to were able to understand me and reply with no problems — until you meet one who doesn’t.  One interesting fact is that most girls are also studying or already speak Spanish.  During one date with a very cute girl, we were literally speaking 3 languages: English (mostly), Spanish (here and there), and Bulgarian/Russian mixture (when she didn’t know a word in either of the previous languages).

Bulgarian women don’t much eye contact

Like in most of Eastern Europe, smiling and eye contact
directed at strangers is generally a sign of weakness.  I look Southern European for the most part,
and, as a result, received almost no eye contact in Bulgaria.  Most Bulgarians easily thought I was
Bulgarian or even Greek, so relying on eye contact is a poor indicator of
interest.  I would assume being a 6’4”
Norwegian Viking with spiky blonde hair would buy you more attention, but
still, it wouldn’t be something I would rely on.  If you’re southern European looking like me,
you’ll have to work to get noticed.

Bulgarian dating culture

Nothing surprising here: Balkans is one of the most
conservative regions in Europe when it comes to dating and courtship.  I estimate you’d need solid three days of
dates (or more) before getting her to come back home with you.  Don’t expect to fly in on EasyJet from London
for a weekend and bang women left and right. 
I would aim for at least a solid two weeks, but, as usual, the more the
better.  Pipeling beforehand might help,
but I don’t do that so I wouldn’t know.

How to meet Bulgarian women during the day

When I was in Sofia, I spent a good share of my time
approaching women on the streets. I won’t try to sugarcoat anything, but it was
tough. The biggest problem was that the women just weren’t used to being

Maybe it was because I was ugly or didn’t speak English, but
they simply kept going instead of stopping and answering my question.

Some women did stop, but nothing came out of it.

I had much better luck in situations where the women weren’t
in a rush anywhere, like bookstores, cafes, stores, and malls. As you would
expect, these women were generally much more receptive to my approaches.

Of course, being a Balkan country with its relatively
conservative women, I knew that I couldn’t simply fly in, approach a couple of
women and instantly create a harem and enjoy life.

That’s certainly not the case.

Nevertheless, I still recommend approaching during the day
because you’re able to meet women who otherwise wouldn’t be approached (I don’t
believe Bulgarian guys are keen on approaching women). You can grab her contact
information and try to build something later on.

Where to meet Bulgarian women during the day

Although I approached everywhere and anywhere, the best luck
I had was actually in the Sofia malls. It seemed that Bulgarians love their
malls, so the women were naturally much more relaxed there than in pretty much
any other setting.

I don’t particularly recommend approaching out in the open
since that resulted in some bewildering expressions, but if that’s what you
like, then I won’t hold you back.

Do what you’re most comfortable in.