The localization of the first documented dwelling places of the Bulgarians

The beginning stage of the development of any civilization depends on a range of factors and can continue for a long time but it is always characterized by an exceptionally important process – the transformation of the territory into a cultural-historical zone, i.e. an area of expression of the bearers of a particular value system.

The localization of the first documented dwelling places of the Bulgarians in the west reaches of “Mount Imeon”, i.e. the Pamirs-Hindu Kush mountain range. The most ancient cultural-historical zone of these people is located in the heart of the Indo-Iranian space. In the second half of the 1st millennium BC and the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the passes across Hindu Kush connect its eastern part and the centres along the river valleys of the Indus and the Ganges to its west part, which includes present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan and Iran, reaching to the foothills of the Zagros range. In Zagros and the high Iranian pl

The beginning stage of the development of any civilization depends on a range of factors and can continue for a long time but it is always characterized by an exceptionally important process – the transformation of the territory into a cultural-historical zone, i.e. an area of expression of the bearers of a particular value system.

The localization of the first documented dwelling places of the Bulgarians in the west reaches of “Mount Imeon”, i.e. the Pamirs-Hindu Kush mountain range. The most ancient cultural-historical zone of these people is located in the heart of the Indo-Iranian space. In the second half of the 1st millennium BC and the beginning of the 1st millennium AD, the passes across Hindu Kush connect its eastern part and the centres along the river valleys of the Indus and the Ganges to its west part, which includes present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan and Iran, reaching to the foothills of the Zagros range. In Zagros and the high Iranian plateau, the grand landscape of many thriving early cultures and their syncretism is unfolded. It is thought that the fields below the western foothills of Zagros are the most fertile on the planet in terms of traces from the “Neolithic revolution”, i.e. the transition from hunting and gathering to a productive economy circa the 10th millennium BC.

The first places inhabited by the Bulgarians in the eastern Indo-Iranian region near “Mount Imeon” are marked as Balhara in many written sources. It is later known as Bactria, which has left its sound pattern in the toponym Bakh in Afghanistan – a town in the northern part of the country. Even in those regions one can see the creation and consolidation of an urban way of life, regardless of the natural conditions and that is typical of the Bulgarian civilization. The Bulgarians built towns in open areas surrounded by mountain ranges, mystical bulgaria tours and also in valleys. Their urbanization also spread in the plains of the big steppe rivers.

The main characteristics of the landscape of the civilization of the Bulgarians were reproduced at the end of the 2nd and during the 1st millennium BC when the state organizations of the Bulgarians started moving because of ethnic-demographic and economic reasons. Leaving their original homeland, the Bulgarians carried on their civilization skills and used them first of all in the urbanization of the lands to the north of the Caucasus, between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea or, in other words between the rivers Volga and Don.

The succeeding structural hubs of Bulgarian settlements originated from this centre. One of them was situated directly to the south in the region of present-day Armenia. The other one was to the north-east of the Caspian-Black Sea region, to the north of the central flows of the Volga River, along the valley of the Pechora River, stretching towards the Arctic Ocean. The densely populated Bulgarian area in the Middle Volga basin is dated archaeologically to the mid-8th century. Here are some excerpts from descriptions of those earliest settlements:

“He [Valarshak] came down to the green meadows near the Shara region, which was called Bezlesen or Upper Basean by the ancient people. Later, because of the Bulgarian Vhndur Bulgar colonists who had settled there, it was called after the name of their leader, Vanand…

In the days of Arshak, there was great turmoil in the range of the great mountain of Caucasus, in the country of the Bulgarians; many of them separated and came to our country and settled under the Kol [Koh] in the fertile land where grain was in abundance for a long time.”

Untold Stories

Nichelmann points out that our impressions of the former GDR are often based on extremes: either on the cases of victims of the Stasi, the state secret police, and of people trying to cross the barbed-wired-topped border, or on memories of carefree summer excursions and adventures.

“Don’t get me wrong — the testimonies of victims of the communist dictatorship play an important role,” stresses Nichelmann. Still, he feels that the stories of families whose experiences lie between these extremes also need to be told.

But can you force your parents to talk? Bind them to the kitchen table and shine a lamp in their faces? Those who get the feeling that they are being interrogated, and that they are required to justify themselves, often prefer to remain silent.

The objective is not to start criticizing the older generation or to start an East-West conflict in one’s own house, but rather to listen, accept and try to understand.


Nichelmann points out that our impressions of the former GDR are often based on extremes: either on the cases of victims of the Stasi, the state secret police, and of people trying to cross the barbed-wired-topped border, or on memories of carefree summer excursions and adventures.

“Don’t get me wrong — the testimonies of victims of the communist dictatorship play an important role,” stresses Nichelmann. Still, he feels that the stories of families whose experiences lie between these extremes also need to be told.

But can you force your parents to talk? Bind them to the kitchen table and shine a lamp in their faces? Those who get the feeling that they are being interrogated, and that they are required to justify themselves, often prefer to remain silent.

The objective is not to start criticizing the older generation or to start an East-West conflict in one’s own house, but rather to listen, accept and try to understand.

“My father joined the [East German Communist] Party at a young age, and he was quickly convinced to guard the border. He knows that this is now viewed very critically, but he doesn’t feel like justifying himself for something that wasn’t considered wrong at the time, that was even seen as the right thing to do. He grew up that way, it was the way he was brought up — and all of a sudden everything he had learned was wrong. He then felt he had the choice to either say that he always felt it was horrible — in other words, to lie — or to try to explain his position, but he couldn’t find the right words to do that,” says Nichelmann.

German reunification — a timeline

The far right is not ‘the others’ problem’

Such family talks are important, and political and media debates must continue as well. Yet Nichelmann believes these are often misleading. He points out that right-wing extremism is often portrayed by the media as an eastern German issue. In his view, that’s just a way of avoiding a problem that is present in western Germany, too, and whose solution involves the entire country.

Talking about “the others” doesn’t help create a community feeling; talking with the others is the logical consequence of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Yet 30 years after the Wall came down, German society is still just beginning to bring in eastern German voices at the highest levels. According to a Leipzig University study, only 1.7% of the top positions in the country are held by former East Germans, even though they make up 17% of the population. Only 1% of generals and only three out of a total of 60 state secretaries in the federal government came from the East. Truly living together should look a little different.


Coastal Bulgaria Tours

Coastal Bulgaria Tours Day 1

This time we suggest that our coastal Bulgaria tours begin from Burgas instead of Sofia. The second biggest on the Bulgarian coast, after Varna, Burgas is a modern city where one can find traits of the mysterious middle Ages. All you need to do is visit the most remarkable places in the city.

Firstly, our tour starts with ‘St. Cyril and Methodius’ Cathedral – one of the most beautiful churches in Bulgaria.

Then, we will have the chance to learn about the traditional culture and way of life of old Burgas in the Ethnographic Museum.

Coastal Bulgaria tours and the Sea Garden of the city

Burgas’ largest and best-known p

Coastal Bulgaria Tours Day 1

This time we suggest that our coastal Bulgaria tours begin from Burgas instead of Sofia. The second biggest on the Bulgarian coast, after Varna, Burgas is a modern city where one can find traits of the mysterious middle Ages. All you need to do is visit the most remarkable places in the city.

Firstly, our tour starts with ‘St. Cyril and Methodius’ Cathedral – one of the most beautiful churches in Bulgaria.

Then, we will have the chance to learn about the traditional culture and way of life of old Burgas in the Ethnographic Museum.

Coastal Bulgaria tours and the Sea Garden of the city

Burgas’ largest and best-known public park, is rich in flowers, trees and sculptures. It is located along the city’s coast on Black Sea and it houses a casino, the ‘Marine Casino’, Also, a small zoo and an open-air theatre where the annual International Folklore Festival takes place. A nice walk there with a great Black Sea view will refresh us. And not only that but it will make us ready for a visit to the island of ‘St. Anastasia’. After that, the second half of the day we will spend right there – on the island, which is the most romantic place on the Burgas Bay. A small ship, from the Bridge in the Sea Garden, will take us there.

Apart from the delicious authentic Burgas dishes, which we will definitely try, we will enjoy the history of the island as well. It is surely one of the places to visit in Bulgaria. It is veiled in mystery and many legends and stories can be heard about it. The island is the only one that has a church – ‘The Ascension’, which is part of the monastery that once existed there.

After the visit to the island, we will go back to the hotel.

Coastal Bulgaria Tours Day 2

After breakfast we leave for the ancient town of Sozopol. Tourists, on their holidays to Bulgaria, come to Sozopol for the beauty of the sea and for its rich, ancient history. The town can be paradise not only for the ones who love ancient architecture, but also for those interested in the unique archaeological relics. Even if you are not, there is no other way but to get inspired by the antiquity and grandeur of this small town.

Sozopol is on the Black Sea coast, in the southern part of Burgas Bay. It is divided into two parts – Old and New Town between which is the Sea Garden. The Old Town is on the small Skamniy Peninsula which has connection, through artificial embankment and breakwater, with the island of St Cyricus. There the archaeologists found unique temples – one is from the archaic century while the other is from the elinistic.

The spirit of reform

Meanwhile, the Servian embassy had arrived at Constantinople, where_their demands were laid before the. Grand Signior; and it was upon these opposing claims that Jhe was called on to decide.

If we take into consideration the entire condition of the Ottoman Empire, we may venture to say that this crisis was one of the most important that had for centuries occurred in its history.

For just at that time also, the spirit of reform, the origin of which has already been noticed, had attained a certain degree of maturity.

In the year 1804, the Topdschi were placed on a footing much superior to the Janissaries. Two squadrons of Xizamidschedid, under red and white standards, were now seen performing their evolutions; the foot-soldiers had guns and bayonets, entirely after French models; and one at least of the Pachas — Abdurrhaman of Caramania,—had most zealously followed the example set him by the Sultan.

As this militia had rendered essential service in the

Meanwhile, the Servian embassy had arrived at Constantinople, where_their demands were laid before the. Grand Signior; and it was upon these opposing claims that Jhe was called on to decide.

If we take into consideration the entire condition of the Ottoman Empire, we may venture to say that this crisis was one of the most important that had for centuries occurred in its history.

For just at that time also, the spirit of reform, the origin of which has already been noticed, had attained a certain degree of maturity.

In the year 1804, the Topdschi were placed on a footing much superior to the Janissaries. Two squadrons of Xizamidschedid, under red and white standards, were now seen performing their evolutions; the foot-soldiers had guns and bayonets, entirely after French models; and one at least of the Pachas — Abdurrhaman of Caramania,—had most zealously followed the example set him by the Sultan.

As this militia had rendered essential service in the pursuit and chastisement of bands of robbers who overran Roumelia, Selim III., in 1805, ventured upon the decisive step of issuing a decree, that from among the Janissaries and the young men of the Empire, the strongest and hnest should everywhere be selected for the purpose of serving amongst the Nizamidschedid.

At the very time when the power of the Janissaries, represented by the Dahis and Kabadahis, was destroyed by the forces of the incensed Raja, in Servia, where they had most especially sought firmly to establish themselves; this second blow was struck by the Turkish government, in order to effect their total ruin.

The bands of robbers which were encountered by the Xizamidschedid, in the same manner as the Krdschalies had been by the Servians, were considered by the Janissaries rather as their allies than as their enemies.

Rut the Janissaries had it still in their power to oppose to the Sultan all that strength of attachment which people cherish for their ancient customs.

AVc know that a Kadi, who had endeavoured to execute the Sultan’s commands, was in consequence /strangled. Adrianople rose in rebellion ; and the Janissaries were yet able to bring 10,000 men against the Sultan’sjigwly-orgauised troops.

The Sultan would have considered himself fortunate, if, in other provinces of his empire, a brave Raja, like the Servians, had stood forward to strengthen his hands. And it became a question of increased importance, whether he should not attach the Servians at least to his cause, and enter into a firm alliance with them.

The Generosity Of Russian Girls

She is fun

People in Russia are often portrayed as serious and moody, but that’s definitely not what you experience with a Russian girlfriend. These girls are cheerful, have a great sense of humor, and always know what to say to lift your spirits.

There won’t be a boring weekend with your Russian girlfriend. Even when you don’t go out doing something you both love, you will still have lots of fun when you are staying in. Plus, you will probably quickly find a shared hobby that will bring you even closer.

Why You Should Date Them

With so many Russian girls dating websites promising to connect you to Russian brides, you can’t help but wonder: are these women really as stunning, kind, and loving as everyone says? We all know someone who found happiness with a Russian girlfriend or wife, but finding a Russian girlfriend is not as easy as it may seem.

The biggest challenge of dating a Russian girl is the long distance between you and your po

She is fun

People in Russia are often portrayed as serious and moody, but that’s definitely not what you experience with a Russian girlfriend. These girls are cheerful, have a great sense of humor, and always know what to say to lift your spirits.

There won’t be a boring weekend with your Russian girlfriend. Even when you don’t go out doing something you both love, you will still have lots of fun when you are staying in. Plus, you will probably quickly find a shared hobby that will bring you even closer.

Why You Should Date Them

With so many Russian girls dating websites promising to connect you to Russian brides, you can’t help but wonder: are these women really as stunning, kind, and loving as everyone says? We all know someone who found happiness with a Russian girlfriend or wife, but finding a Russian girlfriend is not as easy as it may seem.

The biggest challenge of dating a Russian girl is the long distance between you and your potential dream woman. However, that problem is easily solved by signing up to one of the many international dating platforms.

One more reason why some men hesitate to date a Russian beauty is the fact that we know very little about them, which is why they may seem intimidating and difficult to date. The good news is that a Russian girl is, perhaps, the best girlfriend you can ever have, and here are 10 reasons to prove it.


Men are often called shallow for wanting a beautiful girlfriend, but, to us, it is very practical. If you want to wake up every day to your girlfriend’s gorgeous appearance, no one can blame you. And Russian girls are known for being some of the best-looking women on the planet.

There are actually three reasons why you see so many fabulous Russian girls online and in the city streets:

First, they are blessed with wonderful genetics, which gives them very different but equally beautiful features. The genetic pool of Russian girls is so diverse that you can find even the most unusual types and traits.

Second, they are well aware of their beauty and do everything to make their appearance more striking. From tasteful makeup to stylish clothes, these girls know how to stun with their looks.

Third, girls in Russia are determined to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. They take good care of their skin, keep in shape, and will make you feel excited to see them even after years in a relationship.


One of the biggest benefits of Russian girls for dating is that these women are prepared to give without expecting much in return. They spend their life waiting for the right man, and once they find him, they surround him with all the love and care they are capable of.

The generosity of Russian girls is displayed in different ways. They will always serve you the best piece at dinner, offer you a cold drink after you’ve been working outside, and run errands for you if you are particularly busy.

If you are dating Russian girl, you can always expect to be taken care of, whether you are sick or simply came home from work. Generosity is a big part of the character of any Russian girl, and you cannot live life to the fullest unless you experience it.