Melancholy Tones

It’s simpler stated than carried out,” Ben answered in melancholy tones.

Right here, Mr. Rosen interfered. “What do you imply by simpler stated than carried out? Nothing to do? As for the marriage, that is already determined. Her folks wish to have it of their home and so they have sufficient room for it. Proper after the marriage, after all, i

It’s simpler stated than carried out,” Ben answered in melancholy tones.

Right here, Mr. Rosen interfered. “What do you imply by simpler stated than carried out? Nothing to do? As for the marriage, that is already determined. Her folks wish to have it of their home and so they have sufficient room for it. Proper after the marriage, after all, in case you don’t care to stick with us, you possibly can transfer proper into their second ground and mazel tov.”

At this second the phone rang. Ben was the primary to select up the receiver. Whereas he listened to the voice on the opposite finish his face was coated with a smile. A couple of occasions he statedSure . . . sure . . . sure,” after which saying, “I’ll allow you to discuss to my mom,” he turned the receiver to Mrs. Rosen.

Mrs. Rosen nodded for some time too. “Sure . . . sure . . .” after which she returned to her husband, Solomon, smiling.

“Our in-law, Mrs. Baskin, God bless her, has a wonderful thought. She prompt that we transfer into their dwelling and let the younger folks transfer in right here till they will discover one thing for themselves.”

The Baskins and Rosens might hardly consider that Rosaline, who had by no means stepped into the kitchen, might put together such a tremendous supper, and every little thing strictly kosher.

She defined pal of hers had given her an actual Jewish prepare dinner e-book which she adopted to a T. After all there have been a couple of different visitors invited to the brand new dwelling of the younger couple who occupied the Rosens’ residence.

“Rosaline,” Papa Rosen inquired, “do you imply to inform me that the Jewish Cook dinner Ebook additionally tells how one can make blintzes which style so good?”

“It even tells how one can make shabbasdige kugel,” Rosaline knowledgeable her father-in-law.

At this second, Mr. Rosen broke right into a terrific cough.

“Pa,” Rosaline stated sympathetically, “have you ever obtained a chilly? You cough very closely.”

“You name this a cough?” he stated. “You must hear your father cough the entire evening.”


IT IS late within the afternoon, and your entire householdspouse, sons, and daughters—are sitting within the parlor ready for the household lawyer, John Schochet, who has telephoned that he’s coming inside half an hour.

There may be quite a lot of unrest among the many family members. The one one who’s silent is the mom. The remainder argue with each other.

The pinnacle of the household, Max Barsky, is within the adjoining bed room struggling to hold on to life. Two nurses are attending him.

Jewish Fairy Tales


THERE as soon as lived lengthy, way back. in some blissful land, a Jew named Samuel. He was most pious, however, as so usually occurs with the great, he was un-fortunately very poor. He had an aged mom to maintain, in addition to an enthralling spouse and two sons. He dealt in low cost second-hand previous garments. His scanty earnings barely sufficed to allow him to make each ends meet. I


THERE as soon as lived lengthy, way back. in some blissful land, a Jew named Samuel. He was most pious, however, as so usually occurs with the great, he was un-fortunately very poor. He had an aged mom to maintain, in addition to an enthralling spouse and two sons. He dealt in low cost second-hand previous garments. His scanty earnings barely sufficed to allow him to make each ends meet. It usually occurred that the household had neither meat nor greens from Sunday to Friday. He usually managed, nevertheless, to seek out ample cash to obtain a considerable meal of fish, meat and wine for the Sabbath. His object was to honour the holy Day of Relaxation in accordance with the great previous Jewish customized.

Despite his excessive poverty he was all the time able to share his frugal fare with these much less lucky than himself. Jew and Gentile had been all the time welcome at his desk. He was a person of rules which he strove to place into observe.

Certainly one of his guidelines was by no means to spend fairly as a lot as he earned. One other was by no means to lose coronary heart, a lot in order that he was wont to exclaim on sundry events: “ If God ought to assist me and make me a person of means, I’ll assist others to get on on this planet.’’

It occurred one Friday morning, when he was going his typical spherical, that he noticed himself abruptly confronted by a dwarf with a really lengthy black beard. The little man was wearing a wise black swimsuit. He was intently analyzing the bundle of previous garments on Samuel’s arm.

“What have you ever bought there?” asks the dwarf.

Samuel replies : “ Previous garments on the market.”

What’s the worth of this swimsuit on prime, which I see is black ? ” queries the dwarf.

Samuel solutions: “ The worth is ten shillings. I can’t afford to take much less, but when it ought to please the great God to assist me anil to make me a person of means, I promise to offer you a complete swimsuit freed from cost.”

“ So be it,” cries the dwarf; “ I comply with buy this swimsuit for ten shillings. I’m sorry to let you know that I don’t occur to have all that cash about me simply now. I’ll, nevertheless, provide you with half a crown as a deposit. At some point I’ll name on you and pay you the steadiness. Imply whereas please be {rood sufficient to maintain the swimsuit for me, for it’s now mine. Do you agree ? ”

Terribly devoted and admirable

And now, as soon as extra, when the warmth and the hurry of the expedition are over, when the satisfaction and the pageantry have handed away, and that I’m getting ready to dwell over once more that transient interval of enjoyment—conjured again, as by magic, in gazing on the terribly devoted and admirable sketches which lie upon my desk in “ merrie England,” from the pencil of Mr. Bartlett,—I’m temp

And now, as soon as extra, when the warmth and the hurry of the expedition are over, when the satisfaction and the pageantry have handed away, and that I’m getting ready to dwell over once more that transient interval of enjoyment—conjured again, as by magic, in gazing on the terribly devoted and admirable sketches which lie upon my desk in “ merrie England,” from the pencil of Mr. Bartlett,—I’m tempted to imagine that my hour of actual enjoyment has arrived; an hour which I could extend or multiply at my pleasure, by reminiscences of scenes well-known, and people vividly remembered—of magnificence and of luxurious, of legend and of tune. I look again upon my residence at Constantinople and its environs as upon a vivid imaginative and prescient, which I’m glad to have a possibility of calling up as soon as extra, and investing with tangibility: and thus I really feel that I’m now, maybe, having fun with the true and enduring privilege of the traveller, as I flip from one graphic sketch to a different, and recall the circumstances and incidents which have tended to impress every spot upon my reminiscence; whereas I’m compelled to doubt if the romance of anticipation, or the fatigue and threat of constructive residence, certainly outweighed the quiet reminiscences which throng about me to-day, and folks my cheerful condo with by-gone sensible shapes, and scenes by no means to be forgotten.

The good attraction of Constantinople to an European eye exists within the excessive novelty, which is in itself a spell ; for not solely the entire locality, however all its equipment, are so in contrast to what the traveller has left behind him within the West, that each group is a research, and each incident a lesson; and he feels directly the need of flinging from him a thousand factitious desires and slender typical prejudices, and of wanting calmly and dispassionately upon males and scenes wholly dissimilar to these with which he had beforehand been acquainted.

The attractive stays

Neither is even this all; for the march of expediency has been so speedy, and the mania for reform so lively in the course of the reign of the current Sultan, that probably the most extraordinary adjustments are consistently going down, not solely within the habits and emotions of the folks, however within the very side of their metropolis. The attractive stays of Moorish structure, so basically Oriental of their character, are giving place to European innovation ; the heavy, drooping, convoluted roofs of the fountains are disappearing, to make room for gentle iron railings ; and the brilliant frescoes and painted screens of the picket palaces are outdated by columns of sculptured marble; an anomaly sufficiently startling to persuade the traveller that it is just a primary step in the direction of the full extinction of that peculiar and fairylike species of structure which renders the neighborhood of the Bosphorus so in contrast to each different locality, that it seems to be fairly the embodyment of a “ Midsummer night time’s dream,” than a mere earthly panorama.

Footwear senators

The footwear of the senators flaunted a gold crest

The footwear of the senators flaunted a gold crest on the highest, and black was essentially the most basic color, although scarlet and crimson had been additionally in use.

Gloves too had been amongst the chances

The footwear of the senators flaunted a gold crest

The footwear of the senators flaunted a gold crest on the highest, and black was essentially the most basic color, although scarlet and crimson had been additionally in use.

Gloves too had been amongst the chances of this early second,, and it’s set down that a few of these had been reduce with fingers, and that others had been of the sample of a mitten.

In grief the Romans allowed their hair to develop, even because the Jews did, and the primary progress of the beard in youth was consecrated to some god. The hair was handled altogether with a lot respect, valued and thought of with care. Each woman of distinction possessed her personal hair-dresser, curling irons had been in demand, and a preferred form of headdressing was copied from the helmet.

For the remaining, let my illustrations converse. The colored specimen represents the basic Greek garb underneath its easiest side, made in white home-spun bordered with yellow, and falling in folds considerably disguiseful to the determine, and fairly easy to realize. The Roman woman having fiattered the Grecian sleeve to the purpose of imitation, proudly bears her toga traced with purple and topped with jewels. The 2 head-dresses are attribute, and amongst issues straightforward to grasp.

Taking the so-called basic interval altogether, it have to be admitted that among the many historical Greeks and Romans had been born the most effective ideas of the artwork of gown—an appreciation of define and a way of grace in material.


FROM the times of the early Britons to the twelfth century is an extended soar, however in lots of nations the expansion of recent fashions was so sluggish that to try to explain it will imply a lot wearying repetition and an pointless extension of those pages.

For instance, the gown worn by the women and men of Italy through the twelfth century was similar to the outdated Roman kinds, whereas in Southern Italy the Norman gown discovered favour in addition to the Byzantine. In Sicily Arab costume predominated, and in Northern Italy the German and the Norman fashions shared recognition. Italian ladies, who all aspired to precise their exalted delivery by their gown, wore in the home a tunic or stola drawn up underneath a belt to point out the ft, becoming intently to the determine and bearing lengthy or brief sleeves, as fancy dictated, and over this a palla, developed into an oblong piece of fabric, handed underneath the best armpit with the ends knotted on the left shoulder.

Bulgarian state within the yr 1981

We’re taking inventory of the 13 centuries of historic improvement of the Bulgarian state within the yr 1981 – the thirty- seventh years of our socialist period.

Right here is our remodeled and rejuvenated homeland, our socialist Bulgaria, throughout us and in us. Our distant and more moderen predecessors would actually be <span class="sy

We’re taking inventory of the 13 centuries of historic improvement of the Bulgarian state within the yr 1981 – the thirty- seventh years of our socialist period.

Right here is our remodeled and rejuvenated homeland, our socialist Bulgaria, throughout us and in us. Our distant and more moderen predecessors would actually be happy with her if they might see her as we, their descendants, see and construct her!

The victory of the September Ninth socialist revolution marked the start of an epoch – the start of stupendous financial, political, social, cultural and ethical modifications. The age-old dream got here true – the folks grew to become the grasp of its state, of its future!

Poverty-stricken Bulgaria, the Bulgaria of the primitive plough and hoe, of the thorny little fields and emaciated cows, of city poverty, of indigence and starvation, now exists solely as a light reminiscence of these sufficiently old to recollect it and within the works of our artists.

As we speak the Folks’s Republic of Bulgaria is a sophisticated industrial and agrarian nation, with a stable materials and technological foundation, with a contemporary trade, with an built-in and mechanized agriculture, with a dynamically creating nationwide financial system, with a continuously rising dwelling customary of the working folks, with a flourishing tradition; a rustic by which the socialist lifestyle is being established and the brand new socialist man is rising up as a satisfied fighter for the triumph of communism, a daring employee and creator, a patriot and internationalist, a person of nice the Aristocracy of soul and excessive ethical virtues.

We’re absolutely justified to say that in socialism the Bulgarian folks has discovered the answer to all most important issues of its existence and improvement. Thirty-seven-year-old socialist Bulgaria is that highest peak within the ascent of our folks from which we now forged a look not solely towards our heroic previous, but additionally towards the even happier days of the long run.

Throughout the thirty-seven years of freedom our folks has given free rein to all its constructive energy and proven what it’s able to.

The whole lot we’ve got achieved with supreme effort, all of the wealth which is now out there to all, every part is the fruit of its unshakeable religion within the concepts and explanation for socialism and communism, of its devoted labour.

Bulgarian Communist Get together

The whole lot that our folks has achieved, has been achieved underneath the management of the Bulgarian Communist Get together. It took over the age-old democratic, progressive and revolutionary traditions. It took the banner of the fighters of the Nationwide Revival interval into its personal fingers. It raised their beliefs of freedom, fraternity and equality to a brand new peak on the premise of scientific communism.